JWAVE Wrapper API Functions
JWAVE uses an insecure protocol without authentication. This makes JWAVE insecure to use in an Internet facing configuration and would allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the server. If you choose to implement JWAVE in this way, you are responsible for the security of those applications that leverage JWAVE.
Copies a named dataset in the current PV-WAVE session
Determines if the named data exists in the current PV-WAVE session
Returns the data names stored in the specified domain in the current PV-WAVE session
Returns a stored dataset in the current PV-WAVE session
Initializes the JWAVE Data Manager
Deletes a dataset from the current PV-WAVE session
Renames a dataset stored in the current PV-WAVE session
Restores the Data Manager from a file
Saves all data that is managed by the JWAVE Data Manager to a file
Stores a dataset in the current PV-WAVE session
Retrieves parameters and data sent from a JWAVE client application
Gets a color from a color name supplied by a JWAVE client application
Stores an image into an associative array
Writes out an HTML table to the open HTML file
Sets size of the image appropriately for current PV-WAVE device driver
Writes logging and debugging information to JWAVE log file(s)
Executes the JWAVE wrapper function named in WRAPPER_TEST_INIT
Retrieves a value returned from a JWAVE wrapper function
Initializes a JWAVE wrapper function test
Prints information on all returned values after WRAPPER_TEST_EXECUTE is called
Sets a named color to be used by a JWAVE wrapper function
Sets a parameter to be used as input to a JWAVE wrapper function