Special Functions
Error Functions
Beta function
Incomplete beta function
Error function
Complementary error function
Evaluates the exponentially scaled complementary error function
Evaluates a scaled function related to ERFC(z)
Logarithmic beta function
Gamma Functions
Gamma function
Logarithmic gamma function
Incomplete gamma function
Bessel Functions with Real Order and Complex Argument
Modified Bessel function of the first kind
Bessel function of the first kind
Modified Bessel function of the second kind
Bessel function of the second kind
Evaluates the exponentially scaled modified Bessel function of the first kind of orders zero and one.
Evaluates the exponentially scaled modified Bessel function of the third kind of orders zero and one.
Elliptical Integrals
Evaluates the complete elliptic integral of the second kind E(x).
Evaluates the complete elliptic integral of the kind K(x).
Evaluates Carlson's elliptic integral of the first kind RF(x, y, z).
Evaluates Carlson's elliptic integral of the second kind RD(x, y, z).
Evaluates Carlson's elliptic integral of the third kind RJ (x, y, z, r)
Evaluates an elementary integral from which inverse circular functions, logarithms and inverse hyperbolic functions can be computed.
Fresnel Integrals
Evaluates the cosine Fresnel integral.
Evaluates the sine Fresnel integral.
Airy Functions
Evaluates the Airy function.
Evaluates the Airy function of the second kind.
Hermite Functions
Evaluates Hermite polynomials.
Kelvin Functions
Evaluates the Kelvin function of the first kind, ber, of order zero.
Evaluates the Kelvin function of the first kind, bei, of order zero.
Evaluates the Kelvin function of the second kind, ker, of order zero.
Evaluates the Kelvin function of the second kind, kei, of order zero.
Legendre Functions
Evaluates the associated Legendre functions.
Basic Financial Functions
Evaluates the cumulative interest paid between two periods.
Evaluates the cumulative principal paid between two periods.
Evaluates the depreciation of an asset using the fixed-declining balance method.
Evaluates the depreciation of an asset using the double-declining balance method.
Evaluates the depreciation of an asset using the straight-line method.
Evaluates the depreciation of an asset using the sum-of-years digits method.
Evaluates the depreciation of an asset for any given period using the variable-declining balance method.
Converts a fractional price to a decimal price.
Converts a decimal price to a fractional price.
Evaluates effective annual interest rate.
Evaluates the future value of an investment.
Evaluates the future value of an initial principal taking into consideration a schedule of compound interest rates.
Evaluates the interest payment for an investment for a given period.
Evaluates the interest rate per period of an annuity.
Evaluates the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows.
Evaluates the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows. It is not necessary that the cash flows be periodic.
Evaluates the modified internal rate of return for a schedule of periodic cash flows.
Evaluates the net present value of a stream of unequal periodic cash flows, which are subject to a given discount rate.
Evaluates the nominal annual interest rate.
Evaluates the number of periods for an investment for which periodic and constant payments are made and the interest rate is constant.
Evaluates the periodic payment for an investment.
Evaluates the net present value of a stream of equal periodic cash flows, which are subject to a given discount rate.
Evaluates the present value for a schedule of cash flows. It is not necessary that the cash flows be periodic.
Evaluates the payment on the principal for a specified period.
Bond Functions
Evaluates the interest which has accrued on a security that pays interest at maturity.
Evaluates the interest which has accrued on a security that pays interest periodically.
Evaluates the bond-equivalent yield of a Treasury bill.
Evaluates the convexity for a security.
Evaluates the number of days in the coupon period containing the settlement date.
Evaluates the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and the maturity date.
Evaluates the number of days starting with the beginning of the coupon period and ending with the settlement date.
Evaluates the number of days starting with the settlement date and ending with the next coupon date.
Evaluates the depreciation for each accounting period. During the evaluation of the function a depreciation coefficient based on the asset life is applied.
Evaluates the depreciation for each accounting period.
Evaluates the price of a security sold for less than its face value.
Evaluates the interest rate implied when a security is sold for less than its value at maturity in lieu of interest payments.
Evaluates the annual yield of a discounted security.
Evaluates the annual duration of a security, where the security has periodic interest payments.
Evaluates the interest rate of a fully invested security.
Evaluates the modified Macauley duration of a security.
Evaluates the first coupon date which follows the settlement date.
Evaluates the coupon date which immediately precedes the settlement date.
Evaluates the price, per $100 face value, of a security that pays periodic interest.
Evaluates the price, per $100 face value, of a security that pays interest at maturity.
Evaluates the amount one receives when a fully invested security reaches the maturity date.
Evaluates the price per $100 face value of a Treasury bill.
Evaluates the yield of a Treasury bill.
Evaluates the fraction of a year represented by the number of whole days between two dates.
Evaluates the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity.
Evaluates the yield of a security that pays periodic interest.