Initializing the Widget Toolbox
The PV-WAVE system function WtInit initializes the Widget Toolbox. You must execute WwInit before any other Widget Toolbox functions. WtInit does the following:
*Establishes a connection to the X server.
*Initializes Xt Intrinsics
*Initializes the Motif Toolkit/Windows Advanced Controls Library
*Initializes the Widget Toolbox.
For example:
top = WtInit(name,class)
The name parameter specifies the name of the application, and the class parameter indicates a more general category of application class. For example, in the example program at the end of this chapter, the call to WtInit is:
war(0)= WtInit('example', 'Examples')
where example is the name of the application, and Examples specifies a general class to which example belongs. One purpose of the general class (Examples) is that resources in a single resource file can be shared among elements of that class.
See the example Widget Toolbox application at the end of this chapter.