PV-WAVE Foundation > Programmer Guide > Statement Types > Procedure Definition Statement
Procedure Definition Statement
PRO name, p1, p2, ..., pn
A sequence of one or more statements may be given a name, compiled and saved for future use with the Procedure Definition statement.
Once a procedure has been successfully compiled, it may be executed using a procedure call statement interactively from the WAVE> prompt, from a main program, or from another procedure or function.
The general format for the definition of a procedure is, where name can be up to 31 characters long:
PRO name, param1, ..., paramn
. . .
. . .
For more information on writing procedures, see Chapter 10: Writing Procedures and Functions.
Calling a user-written procedure that is in a directory in the search path (!Path) causes the procedure to be read from the disk, compiled, saved, and executed, without interrupting program execution.