PV-WAVE Foundation > Application Developer Guide > Building VDA Tools > How Standard VDA Tools Connect to Online Help
How Standard VDA Tools Connect to Online Help
The set of VDA Tools provided with PV‑WAVE feature a context sensitive online Help system. The online Help that is used is Webworks Help.
To access an online Help topic, a VDA Tool needs to know the name of the Help file and the name of the specific topic to display.
The method TM_HELP activates the Help system and displays a specified topic in the viewer.
The following two calls set attributes that can be retrieved and used in the PV‑WAVE HELP command to call a particular online Help topic.
; This call sets an attribute—the filepath for online Help file. 
old_f = TmSetAttribute(tool_name, 'TM_HELP', 'HELP_FILE', $
; This call sets an attribute—the name of an online Help topic. 
old_t = TmSetAttribute(tool_name, 'TM_HELP', 'TOPIC', $
The WoGenericDialog function accepts these two attribute settings with the Help keyword and handles calling the HELP command.
; Retrieve the filepath of the online Help file.
file = TmGetAttribute(tool_name, 'TM_HELP', 'HELP_FILE')
; Retrieve the Help topic name.
topic = TmGetAttribute(tool_name, 'TM_HELP', 'TOPIC')
; Display the help topic.
HELP, topic, Filename=file