Example Code
Several good examples of portable code are available in your PV-WAVE (version 6 and later) distribution. One good source is the PV-WAVE Gallery, found in the gallery directory.
(UNIX) $WAVE_DIR/demo/gallery3
(WIN) %WAVE_DIR%\demo\gallery3
The PV-WAVE procedure files defined is this directory are completely portable between Microsoft Windows and Motif.
Another good set of examples of portable code is the VDA Tools. These are written to be portable between Microsoft Windows and Motif using the VDA Utilities and Tools Manager routines to bridge system differences. The following table shows the location of the VDA Tools routines.
(UNIX) $WAVE_DIR/lib/vdatools
(WIN) %WAVE_DIR%\lib\vdatools
For examples of portable non-graphics as well as graphics code, consult the PV-WAVE Standard Library procedures found in:
(UNIX) $WAVE_DIR/lib/std
(WIN) %WAVE_DIR%\lib\std