SLANT Function (PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage)
Performs a Slant transform on a 2D square image. Images which are not already square, are zero-padded to have square dimensions before the transform is applied. Images whose dimensions are not a power of two are padded to have dimensions that are the nearest power of two.
result = SLANT(image[, direction])
Input Parameters
image—A 2D array.
direction—(optional) A parameter specifying the direction of the transform. (Default: –1)
*– 1—The forward Slant transform is applied (default).
*1—The reverse Slant transform is applied.
Returned Value
result—A 2D floating-point matrix with dimensions N-by-N, where N  is the largest dimension of the input image rounded to the nearest larger power of two.
The Slant transform uses sawtooth shaped basis functions, sk(z), which are defined recursively from the 2-by-2 basis. The equations for the Slant transform matrix generation are found in Gonzalez and Woods, p. 147.
The Slant Transform is then applied as:
T = S*image*S
where S is the Slant transform matrix and T is the transform result.
; Read an image.
image = IMAGE_READ(!IP_Data + 'airplane.tif')
; Compute the Slant transform.
slant_image = SLANT(image('pixels'))
; Display the transformed image.
TVSCL, IPALOG(slant_image)
See Also