PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage > Image Processing Toolkit User Guide > Histogram Tool > Histogram Attributes Dialog Box (Histogram Tool)
Histogram Attributes Dialog Box (Histogram Tool)
This dialog box is used to set attributes for the histogram. Attributes include chart type, line and fill color, and number and size of bins.
Attributes for layer—If a multi-layer (3D) image variable is displayed, this option menu lets you specify for which layers to set the attributes. The All selection sets attributes for all layers.
Chart Type—Select Steps or Bars from the list box. Steps causes the histogram to be displayed without the vertical lines between the bars. Bars causes the histogram to be displayed with the vertical lines between the bars.
Line Color—Brings up the Line Color dialog box. Use this dialog box to select a color for the lines in your histogram plot. Both vertical and horizontal lines are displayed in this color.
Fill Color—Brings up the Fill Color dialog box. Use this dialog box to select a color for filling the bins in the histogram.
Fill Histogram—Controls whether color is used to fill the bins of the histogram.
Bin Preferences—Select the radio button for either # of Bins or Bin Size. When # of Bins is selected, type the number of bins to display in the histogram in the associated text field. When Bin Size is selected, type a value in the associated text field. For more information on how bin size and number are calculated, click here.
Title—Enter a title for the histogram plot.
OK—Apply the selected attributes and exit the dialog box.
Apply—Apply the selected attributes, but do not exit the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.