Color Tool Overview
The Color Tool is used to select and set the image and plot colors for displaying data. Changes made to the color table using the Color Tool are applied to all active VDA Tools, so the effect of the change can be seen immediately after it’s made.
Avoid using the PV-WAVE DEVICE command at the WAVE> command line when VDA Tools are running.
Color Tool Features
*Three color models are available: RGB, HSV, and HLS.
*Seventeen predefined system color tables are available, and you can also design your own custom color tables.
*You can modify individual colors in the color table.
*You can perform linear, exponential, and logarithmic color ramping.
*The Color Tool settings and specific color maps can be saved for future use.
Using Online Help
The online Help system for this VDA Tool contains:
*Reference material on the menus of the Color Tool window. To access this information, click on the links in the Color Tool Contents topic.
*Task-oriented information. To access this information, click on the How To link in the Color Tool Contents topic.
*A glossary of terms. To access the glossary, click on the Glossary link in the Color Tool Contents topic.
*Context-sensitive reference material on dialog boxes. To access this information, click the Help button in any dialog box.
Don’t forget to check the message area at the bottom of the Color Tool window. The message area displays helpful information about many tasks.