IMPRESP Function
Computes the impulse response of a digital filter.
result = IMPRESP(h, n)
Input Parameters
h—A valid filter structure.
n—The total number of samples to generate.
Returned Value
result—A one-dimensional array containing the first n values of the impulse response.
IMPRESP uses IIRFILT with the input sequence x(n), defined by:
to compute the impulse response of a digital filter.
In this example, the impulse response of a filter structure:
is computed using IMPRESP, and the results along with the analytic solution are printed out. Results should be ak for k = 0, 1, 2, ... when H(z) = 1/(1+az-1).
a = -0.25
h = FILTSTR([1], [1, a])
ir = IMPRESP(h, 10)
PM, [[ir], [.25^FINDGEN(10)]], Title = 'Computed         Actual'
See Also