ARG Function
Computes the phase angle, in radians, of a complex scalar or array.
result = ARG(z)
Input Parameters
z—A complex scalar or array.
Returned Value
result—A double-precision scalar or array. The range of the returned values is between –π and π.
The function divides the imaginary part of z by the real part of z and computes the arctangent of the quotient.
For a given a complex number of the form:
z = x + jy = rej φ 
the function computes φ as:
φ = atan(y/x)
ARG is used to compute the polar form of the complex number z = 3 + j4.
; Create a complex variable. 
z = COMPLEX(3, 4)
r = ABS(z)
phi = ARG(z)
PRINT, r, phi
; PV-WAVE prints: 5.00	     0.927295
See Also
In the PV‑WAVE Reference: