Related Routines
This appendix lists routines from PV-WAVE, PV-WAVE IMSL Statistics, and PV-WAVE IMSL Statistics that can be useful in digital signal processing applications. For detailed information on these routines, refer to the PV-WAVE Reference, PV-WAVE IMSL Statistics Reference, and the PV-WAVE IMSL Statistics Reference.
Evaluates the absolute value function.
ATAN(x [, y])
Returns the angle, whose tangent is x, expressed in radians. If two parameters are supplied, the angle whose tangent is equal to y/s is returned. The range of ATAN is between –π/2 and π/2 for the single argument case and between –π and π if two arguments are given.
COMPLEX(real [, imaginary])
Converts an expression to complex data type.
DERIV([x, ]y)
Performs numerical differentiation using three-point Lagrangian interpolation.
FFT(array, direction)
Returns the Fast Fourier Transform for the input variable.
HANNING(col [, row])
Standard Library function that implements a window function for Fast Fourier Transform signal or image filtering.
POLY(x, coefficients)
Standard Library function that evaluates a polynomial function of a variable.
REVERSE(array, dimension)
Standard Library function that reverses a vector or array for a given dimension.