License types

The following licensing types are available for PV‑WAVE:

  • Development

  • Runtime

  • Floating

  • Node Locked

  • Evaluation

Runtime versus Development licensing

PV‑WAVE licenses are available in the following versions:

  • Development—This license allows you to develop applications in PV‑WAVE. All features and functionality of PV‑WAVE are available.

  • Runtime—This license allows you to run compiled PV‑WAVE applications. The applications must have been compiled using PV‑WAVE running a Development License.

PV‑WAVE interprets and executes two kinds of files: source files and compiled files.

  • Source Files—Functions and procedures saved as regular ASCII files with a .pro filename extension. When a function or procedure of this type is called, it is first compiled, then executed by PV‑WAVE. Runtime sessions do not recognize source files.

  • Compiled Files—Functions and procedures that are first compiled in PV-WAVE, then saved with the COMPILE procedure. By default, such files are given a .cpr filename extension. Because a file of this type is already compiled, it can be executed more quickly than a .pro file. Compiled files can be run by both license versions.

  • Note:
    For detailed information on the COMPILE procedure, see its description in the (Undefined variable: pvwave.waveur).

Node-locked licenses

Node-locked licenses are licenses purchased to run on a specific machine. To know how many tokens are used on the specific machine refer to the Monitoring PV‑WAVE use section.

Evaluation licenses

Evaluation (temporary) licenses for PV‑WAVE enable all product features. The difference between an evaluation license and any other PV‑WAVE license is the presence of a 'time bomb'. There is a date included in an evaluation license, and product execution is disabled once that date is reached.

Obtaining your license file

If you would like to evaluate PV‑WAVE, request an evaluation using the contact form on the Perforce website.

If you have purchased PV‑WAVE, you received a temporary license file to use until we supply you with your permanent license file. Contact Perforce Support to request your permanent license.