PLOTCOMB Procedure

Creates a comb plot of an input signal.


PLOTCOMB, signal 
PLOTCOMB, abscissa, signal 

Input Parameters

abscissa—A one-dimensional array containing the abscissa of the signal to be plotted.

signal—A one-dimensional array containing the signal to be plotted.


Color—Specifies the index of the plot color to use for the comb plot.

Title—A string containing the title above the plot.

Xrange—Two-element array containing desired data range for the x-axis.

Xtitle—A string containing the title of the x-axis.

Yrange—Two-element array containing desired data range for the y-axis.

Ytitle—A string containing the title of the y-axis.


PLOTCOMB uses PLOT and OPLOT to produce a comb plot. Keywords can be used to add a plot title, axis titles, and to specify the range of the axis to be plotted.


In this example, a comb plot is created for a combined sinusoidal signal.


The results are shown in Comb Plot of Combined Sinusoidal Signal.

t = FINDGEN(50)/49
; Generate the comb plot of the signal.
PLOTCOMB, t, SIN(2*!Pi*t) + .5*COS(6*!Pi*t)


Comb Plot of Combined Sinusoidal Signal

See Also


In the PV‑WAVE Reference: