PAIRINV Function

Sorts a set of complex values into reciprocal pairs.


 result = PAIRINV(z)

Input Parameters

z—A one-dimensional array of complex values.

Returned Value

result—A complex array with the values sorted into reciprocal pairs.




PAIRINV returns an array of the input data sorted into reciprocal pairs. Each pair (except |z| = 1) must have one value inside the unit circle
(|z| < 1) and one outside (|z| > 1). The value inside the unit circle is the first element of the pair and the value outside the unit circle is the second. If there are values in z that do not appear to match up, they are put at the end of the output array in no particular order.


In this example, the input to PAIRINV is a jumbled set of reciprocal pairs of complex numbers.

; A complex number z = 1 + j.
z = COMPLEX(1,1)
; Create the jumbled set of reciprocal pairs.
a = [z*3, 1/z, 1/(z*3), z]
PM, a
p = PAIRINV(a)
PM, p

See Also