JURYRC Procedure

Synthesizes a Cholesky-factored Toeplitz form from a stable polynomial using the Jury (reflection coefficient) algorithm.


JURYRC, alpha_in, a, alpha_out, t, c 

Input Parameters

alpha_in—A scaling factor (or prediction error variance).

a—An array of polynomial coefficients.

Output Parameters

alpha_out—An array consisting of the elements of the diagonal matrix factor.

t—The upper triangular matrix factor.

c—An array of reflection coefficients.




Given the coefficients of a stable, monic polynomial:

A(z) = 1 + a1z–1 + ... + anz–n

and a scaling factor (prediction error variance a), JURYRC finds an upper triangular matrix T and a diagonal matrix D that satisfy:

aT–1DTT = [a, 0, 0, ..., 0]

where the row array a contains the coefficients of the polynomial a = [1, a1, ..., an], and the diagonal matrix is given by D = diag {a(n), a(n – 1), ..., a(0)}. The matrix T–1DTT = R   is Toeplitz. The reflection coefficients of the polynomial are also returned.

This procedure is one part of a suite of functions (JURYRC, LEVCORR, LEVDURB, and TOEPSOL) used to solve Toeplitz linear equations and factorization problems. Given the first row of a symmetric Toeplitz matrix R, the function TOEPSOL is used to solve the equation:

(EQ 1)

where a is chosen so that a(0) = 1 in the array a. JURYRC combined with LEVCORR are, in essence, the inverse of TOEPSOL, in that given the array of polynomial coefficients a and scalar a, EQ 1 is solved for the elements of the first row of R. This inverse operation is accomplished by first finding the elements of the matrices T and D defined above using JURYRC, and then evaluating the product T–1DTT  using LEVCORR.



If the zero-order coefficient, a0, of the input polynomial is not equal to 1.0, the value of alpha_in is modified as alpha_in/a0 and the array of polynomial coefficients is modified as a/a0.


This example illustrates the relationship between JURYRC, TOEPSOL, and LEVCORR.

; First order autoregressive autocorrelation sequence used to
; form first row of Toeplitz matrix.
r = [1.0d0, 0.9d0, 0.9d0^2, 0.9d0^3, 0.9d0^4, 0.9d0^5]
PM, TRANSPOSE(r), Title = 'First Row of Original Toeplitz Matrix'
b = [1.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0]
; Normalize the polynomial coefficient array a so a(0) = 1.
; Normalization factor is alpha.
a = TOEPSOL(r, b)
alpha = 1/a(0)
a = a/a(0)
; Compute the Cholesky decomposition (T –1D T –T) from the 
; normalized polynomial coefficients contained in the array a 
; obtained from TOEPSOL.
JURYRC, alpha, a, alpha_out, t, c
; Compute the first row of the Toeplitz matrix R = T –1D T –T from
; the matrix and array returned from JURYRC.
LEVCORR, r_out, alpha_out, t
PM, TRANSPOSE(r_out), $
Title = 'First Row of Returned Toeplitz Matrix'

See Also


For Additional Information

Proakis and Manolakis, 1992.

Roberts and Mullis, 1987, p. 527.

Many applications that involve the use of JURYRC,  LEVCORR, LEVDURB, and TOEPSOL may be found in the statistical signal processing texts listed in Background Reading .