IPALOG Function (PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage)

Computes the natural logarithm of an image, excluding zero values.


result = IPALOG(image)

Input Parameters

image—An array of any data type except string.

Returned Value

result—The logarithm to the base e (the natural log) of image, excluding zero values. For double-precision floating-point and complex values result is returned with the same data type. All other valid data types are converted to single-precision floating-point and result is returned as a floating-point data type.




The IPALOG function is useful for displaying images with wide dynamic range and is defined as follows:

y = logex

Values in image which are zero are left as zero.

The IPALOG function handles complex numbers in the following way:

IPALOG(image) º Complex(loge(|image|, arctan(image)))



When error messages regarding the handling of zero values in the input are not wanted, you should use the IPALOG function instead of the PV‑WAVE  ALOG function.


; Generate a test image.
x = DIST(256)
; Take the fast Fourier transform of x.
f = FFT(x, -1)
; Display the log magnitude of the image FFT, with zero values
; retained as zeros.

See Also

In the PV‑WAVE Reference: ALOG