GAUSS_KERNEL Function (PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage)

Computes a 1D or 2D spatial Gaussian filter kernel.


result = GAUSS_KERNEL(xdim[, ydim])

Input Parameters

xdim—The width of the Gaussian filter kernel.

ydim—(optional) The height of the Gaussian filter kernel.

Returned Value

result—A Gaussian filter in the filter object format. (See the IPREAD_FILTER Function (PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage) for more information on the filter object format.)


Scale—If set, the values in result are normalized such that their sum is equal to 1.0.

Std—The standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution.



Gaussian filters are used to remove high frequency noise and to blur images.



Use the IPCONVOL Function (PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage) to apply the filter after generating the Gaussian kernel.


In this example, a 7-by-7 Gaussian filter is generated and IPCONVOL Function (PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage) is used to apply the filter. The results are shown in 2D Guassian Filter Surface Plot

; Generate the Gaussian filter.
g = GAUSS_KERNEL(7, 7, /Scale)
; Apply the filter to an image to blur the image.
blur_image = IPCONVOL(image, g) 
SURFACE, g('kernel')


2D Guassian Filter Surface Plot


See Also