Returns binary large objects (BLOBS) from a DBMS (database management system) server.


list_var = DB_GET_BINARY(handle, sql_query)

Input Parameters

handle—DBMS connection handle (returned by DB_CONNECT).

sql_query—A string containing an SQL statement to execute on the DBMS server. It must be a query (SELECT) statement.

Returned Value

list_var—A PV‑WAVE LIST variable, one for each row in the query. Each element in the LIST is a PV‑WAVE array of type BYTE.




Since binary large objects (BLOBS) are transmitted from most DBMS systems in a different way from other data types, using DB_SQL to handle BLOBS would compromise performance.

For queries that return more than one row, specify the order of the rows with the ORDER BY clause in the sql_query.

One column will cause an error.

Note: The value of sql_query is subject to the following restrictions:
It must be a query. UPDATE, INSERT, and/or DELETE will cause an error.
It must only return one column. Queries that return more than one column will cause an error.