
Welcome to the getting started guide and tutorial for PV‑WAVE! The first two chapters of this tutorial provide information about this tutorial and PV‑WAVE. Chapters 3 through 11 provide sequenced, hands-on, step-by-step examples that demonstrate a wide range of applications and enable you to learn the fundamentals of using PV‑WAVE products.

The topics in this guide are organized as follows:

Running PV-WAVE—Explains how to start PV-WAVE.

Power of PV-WAVE—Discusses the features of PV‑WAVE and some basic concepts that are helpful to know before you begin.

Programming with PV-WAVE—Prepares you to use the Navigator and VDA Tools. This technology provides the easiest way for you to interact with PV‑WAVE. It features an intuitive graphical interface and context sensitive online help.

Reading Data into PV-WAVE—Introduces you to the PV‑WAVE command line interface, beginning with a simple plot and continuing with a more detailed exercise in the use of some basic functions and keywords.

2D Plotting—Discusses some of the basics of working with PV‑WAVE, such as saving and restoring sessions, using online documentation, and getting help.

3D Plotting—Provides you with experience using plotting and graphics keywords to display several types of 2D and 3D plots, including contour and surface plots.

Working with Images—Shows you how to read in an array of bytes, how to display this data as an image, and how to use PV‑WAVE array processing commands.

Other Plot Types—Shows you how you can use color to enhance image analysis and to produce customized displays of color in your plots.

Printing and Exporting Data—Demonstrates the power of
PV-WAVE IMSL Mathematics and PV-WAVE IMSL Statistics in two parts. The first section has code examples of mathematical and statistical programs you can run and use to pattern your own programs. The second part focuses on methods that will help you write your own PV‑WAVE programs.

Creating PV-WAVE Applications—Shows you some basic applications you can create with PV‑WAVE.

Using the Documentation—Describes the PV‑WAVE documention.

The PV-WAVE Gallery—Describes the PV‑WAVE Gallery demonstration and provides information that can aid you in understanding the examples shown in the demo.

Experimenting with the Navigator —Describes the PV‑WAVE Navigator.