Exiting, Interrupting, and Aborting the Software

Exiting PV-WAVE

Entering an EXIT or QUIT command at the WAVE> prompt causes PV-WAVE to exit unconditionally, and you are returned to the operating system prompt.



When you exit unconditionally, variable assignments are lost; however, data that is buffered for open output files is flushed to these files before exiting is complete. Customizations you make to PV-WAVE, such as changing the font used in the windows, or enabling MDI graphics, are saved in the file WAVE.INI and are restored the next time you start the software.

Interrupting or Aborting PV-WAVE

This section describes individual characters that can be entered in conjunction with the <Control> key to interrupt or stop PV-WAVE. These characters are summarized in Control Characters Used for Interrupting or Stopping PV-WAVE .


Control Characters Used for Interrupting or Stopping PV-WAVE




Keyboard interrupt; enter .CON to continue.


(UNIX) Signifies EOF; causes PV‑WAVE to exit.


(Windows) Abort.


(UNIX) Suspends the process.