WzImage Procedure

Starts a VDA Tool used for displaying image data.


WzImage, var 

Input Parameters

var — The name of the 2D image variable to plot or an equivalent expression. A 3D variable or equivalent expression is required if the True keyword is specified.


NoBlock — If specified, the event loop (WwLoop) that is started by the VDA Tool will use the given value. By default a value of 1 (non-blocking loop) will be used. However, it may be necessary in certain circumstances to force a non-blocking loop by specifying NoBlock = 2. (See WwLoop in the PV‑WAVE Application Developer’s Guide for more information.)

Parent — The widget ID of the parent widget.

Position — Specifies, in pixels, the x and y (horizontal and vertical) coordinates for the starting location of the upper-left corner of the VDA Tool window.

Restore — A data structure previously saved in the Tools Manager with the TmSaveTools function. This keyword is reserved for internal use; it is not to be used at the command line (see Discussion).

Template — A string containing the name of a VDA Tool template file.

True — If present and nonzero, indicates that a true-color (24-bit) image is to be displayed and specifies the index of the dimension over which color is interleaved:

1 — Displays pixel-interleaved images of dimensions (3, m, n).

2 — Displays row-interleaved images of dimensions (m, 3, n).

3 — Displays image-interleaved images of dimensions (m, n, 3). (Image interleaving is also known as band interleaving.)


To use True, the var parameter must have three dimensions, one of which is 3.

XSize — Specifies, in pixels, the width of the drawing area.

YSize — Specifies, in pixels, the height of the drawing area.


The Parent keyword is used to connect WzImage to another application, such as the Navigator.

The Restore keyword is used specifically by the TM_RESTORE method. For information on the TM_RESTORE method, refer to the source code for WzImage in:


Where <wavedir> is the main PV‑WAVE directory.

A template is a VDA Tool without any data associated with it. The template contains all of the modifications to the VDA Tool — colors, axes, graphical elements — that were set when the template file was saved. Template files are saved with the Save Template As command from the File menu on the VDA Tool.


For information on how to use this VDA Tool, use online Help. Select the
On Window command from the VDA Tool Help menu to bring up Help on this VDA Tool.


var = DIST(400)
WzImage, var, XSize=400, YSize=400

See Also