Reads license monitoring log file(s), displays plots of product and optional product use, and saves the plot images to disk.



Input Parameters

file — A string containing the filename, or an array of filenames, of the log files. Optionally you can include the path with the filename, or with each filename in the array. If file is a scalar, it can include wild-card characters ("*"), in which case all files of the designated pattern are used. If file is an array of filenames then only those files are processed by WAVEUSAGE.


If file is an array of filenames, the filenames cannot include wild-card characters.


Charsize — Character size multiplier for all plot attribute text entities (title, tick labels, and so forth). The default is 2.0.

Directory — A string containing the path to the directory where the output files are placed.

Filename — A string containing the base name of the output filename. WAVEUSAGE creates two files: Filename.jpg for the development image file and Filename_rt.jpg for the runtime image file.


WAVEUSAGE provides a means for PV-WAVE customers to determine the frequency and use of PV-WAVE along with the use of associated optional products. This gives end users/customers the ability to ensure that their product use does not exceed their quantity of purchased product(s). The input to WAVEUSAGE is log files that are updated each time a user terminates a PV-WAVE session.

Use logging is determined by the value set in the environment variable PVWAVE_LOG_LM; a value of 0 disables logging (default) and 1 enables logging. The name of the log file is set with the environment variable PVWAVE_LM_LOGFILE; the default is <RW_DIR>/license/license.pvwave.log, where <RW_DIR> is the root directory of the PV-WAVE installation location.

The WAVEUSAGE procedure creates two graphics windows as well as generates two images, which show concurrent use for PV-WAVE development and PV-WAVE runtime use. If Filename is not specified the default filenames of the two images are PV-WAVE-d0-d1.jpg and PV-WAVE_rt-d0-d1.jpg, where d0 and d1 are first and last dates found in the log file(s) and have the format year-month-day, i.e., PV-WAVE-2014Sep9-2014Sep15.jpg and PV-WAVE_rt-2014Sep9-2014Sep15.jpg. Each window and image file contains five plots representing the use of the following products:

PV-WAVE Foundation

PV-WAVE Advantage

PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage



Each plot title shows the product name and its maximum concurrent use. The x-axis of each plot is time, spanning time d0 to time d1, and the y-axis is concurrent use.

For historical reasons, use is defined in terms of tokens, where on Linux, Windows, and Mac, one product session counts as one token, and where on all other platforms, one product session counts as two tokens.