Passes data describing a structured grid to VTK.


vtkSTRUCTUREDGRID, dimensions, points 

Input Parameters

dimensions—A 3-element vector of integers describing dimensions in x, y, and z. Use “1” for the third dimension if only a two-dimensional array is described.

points—A 2D array of floating point numbers of size (3, n) describing x, y, and z points.


Restore—An associative array containing all of the data and attributes for a polydata dataset, usually created using the Save keyword. If this parameter is passed, then only the keywords Name and Filename can be used.

Name—Specifies a name to be used to create this data source. This name can be used in calls to vtkCOMMAND.

Filename—File to store data using standard VTK ASCII format.

Save—Returns the data in the specified variable stored in an associative array. Data is not sent to VTK if this parameter is specified.

Attributes—A list created using vtkADDATTRIBUTE containing one or more attributes associated with the points in the dataset.


1, 2, or 3D point data on a topological grid, where the actual points are specified as x, y, and z values in Cartesian coordinates. See the VTK documentation, which can be downloaded from http://public.kitware.com, for more details on the data and attributes for the StructuredGrid dataset format.