vtkSLICEVOL Procedure

Creates a sliced 3D volume at specific x, y, z locations.


vtkSLICEVOL, v, [sx=sx, sy=sy, sz=sz, xc=xc, yc=yc, zc=zc]

Input Parameters

v—A 3D array, the volume to slice.


sx—A 1D array, the x coordinate(s) at which to slice the volume.

sy—A 1D array, the y coordinate(s) at which to slice the volume.

sz—A 1D array, the z coordinate(s) at which to slice the volume.

xc—A 1D array with the same number of elements as the first dimension of v, the x coordinates of the volume.

yc—A 1D array with the same number of elements as the second dimension of v, the y coordinates of the volume.

zc—A 1D array with the same number of elements as the third dimension of v, the z coordinates of the volume.

Interp—If set, the shading is interpolated (passed to RESAMP).

Dim—An integer, the number of vertices on each side of each plane. (Default: 25)

Name—Specifies a name to be used to create this object. If an undefined variable is used or no name specified, then a random name is used. This name can be used in calls to vtkCOMMAND to modify this object.

Wireframe—When present and nonzero, a wire-frame mesh is drawn rather than a shaded surface.

LOD—If nonzero, a level-of-detail actor is created to aid in keeping a high frame-rate during frequent render requests due to user mouse interaction. If set to a value greater than 1, the number of points to use in the random cloud.

NoRotate—Does not perform any camera rotations. Used when a previous call to vtkSURFACE, vtkSCATTER or vtkPOLYSHADE has already set the camera angle.

NoErase—If nonzero, prevents the window from being erased to the background color before drawing the new scene. If not set, then all lights, cameras, and objects are removed from the scene before objects for the new scene are added.

Other keywords are listed below. For a description of each keyword, see Graphics and Plotting Keywords.




If no slices are requested through the sx, sy, and sz keywords, the volume is sliced at the midpoints of each index.If xc, yc, or zc are not provided, indices into v are used.


x = genvect(-5,5,.25)
y = genvect(-4,4,.2)
z = genvect(-3,3,.15)
v = sqrt(TENSOR_ADD(TENSOR_ADD(x^2,0.3*y^2),1.5*z^2))
vtkSliceVol, v, sx=[-4,.4,2.6], sy=-.15, sz=[-3,1], $
   xc=x, yc=y, zc=z, dim=15

See Also