vtkISOSURFACE Procedure

Displays the requested isosurfaces of a volume.


vtkISOSURFACE, vol, threshold

Input Parameters

vol—A 3D array. The volume to compute iso surfaces.

threshold—A float array, the levels to compute as a percentage. If this parameter should be interpreted as values of vol, set the value keyword. If not supplied, the 50% level is computed.


Value—If set, the input threshold levels represent values rather than percentages.

Color—A color index or array of color indices for the isosurface(s). When specifying threshold, the size of the Color array must match the size of threshold array.

Ct—The PV‑WAVE color table to use. Default = 12.

NoAxes—If set, axes are not drawn. If left unset, axes will be drawn for each threshold level.

NoReverse—If set, the order of drawing is not reversed. Use this keyword if the less transparent levels are on the outside of the resulting scene.

These keywords are passed to the vtkPOLYSHADE Procedure:








v = FLTARR(17,17,59)
OPENR, 1, GETENV('WAVE_GALL3')+'/data/cfd_axial.dat', /Xdr
READU, 1, v & CLOSE, 1
block = BYTARR(17,17,59) + 1B
block(1:15, 1:15, 1:57) = 127B
v(WHERE(block EQ 1B) > 0) = 0.0
vtkIsoSurface, v, [0.2,0.5,0.7], /noaxes, ct=5