vtkINIT Procedure

Initializes the VTK system.


To initialize the VTK7 OPI, use vtk7INIT. For information regarding the VTK7 implementation in PV-WAVE, see the VTK& Visualization Toolkit OPI section in Hardware Rendering.



Input Parameters



File—If set, a temporary file is used to communicate data sets to VTK instead of a socket connection. For very large data sets with many floating-point values, this method is considerably faster; however, read/write permissions are required. If set to 1 (/File), any data set greater than 1024 bytes is written to file. If set to a value (File=fbytes), data sets larger than fbytes are written to file; smaller data sets are sent via sockets. Setting /File is equivalent to setting File=1024. This keyword affects only data: commands are always sent by the socket connection.

Noshell—If set, the keyword is passed along to the SPAWN procedure that initiates the VTK Tcl process. This keyword is required when calling VTK routines from a JWAVE wrapper and should not be used otherwise.

Noset—If set, the keyword automates the camera setting. See the Example section for an example of this keyword.

Path—Used in conjunction with the File keyword, a string indicating the file path to the directory where the temporary file(s) are to be created.

Print—If present and nonzero, causes the output from the spawned Tcl/Tk shell to be sent back to PV-WAVE and displayed in the console. This keyword is useful for debugging low-level VTK calls.

Timeout—A floating point scalar specifying a time interval in seconds which vtkINIT will wait before giving up on establishing a socket connection to the spawned Tcl shell. (Default: 20)


This procedure must be performed before any other VTK commands. It causes a Tcl/Tk shell to be spawned and sets up communication with it. It also initialized various internal VTK parameters. The following routines will automatically call vtkINIT if it has not already been called: vtkWINDOW, vtkPOLYSHADE, vtkSURFACE, and vtkSCATTER.


This example uses vtkINIT to initialize VTK with a timeout of 10 seconds.

vtkINIT, timeout=10

This example shows how Noset can create a zooming animation.

vtkSurface, DIST(40)
cmd = 'vtkCamera, posit=[-2,-2,1]*i, viewu=[0,0,1], $
   focal=[20,20,10], /NoSet'
FOR i=320L,10,-10 DO BEGIN & stat=execute(cmd) & WAIT,1 & ENDFOR

See Also