vtkGRID Procedure

Adds 3D grid lines to a VTK scene.


vtkGRID[, Number=n]


Number—A scalar or a three element array, the number of segments with grid lines in each (x, y, z) direction. (Default: [1,1,1], a box)

Lengths—A scalar or a three-element array, the extent of the grid. (Default: [1,1,1])

Position—A three-element array, the position of the origin of the grid. (Default: [0,0,0])

Color—The color to use for the polylines (passed to vtkPLOTS). See vtkWINDOW for possible ways to specify the color. (Default: 'white')

Thick—A float, the thickness of the grid lines (passed to vtkPLOTS). (Default: 1.0)

Name—A string, the name to be used to create this object. If an undefined variable is used or no name is specified, then a random name is used. This name can be used in calls to vtkCOMMAND to modify this object.

UseAxes—If nonzero, the most recently created vtkAXES scale is used to define the Lengths array, which then does not need to be defined explicitly.

LOD—If nonzero, use level-of-detail actors for the grid lines (passed to vtkPLOTS).


vtkGRID, /useAxes, Thick=6
vtkGRID, Number=[2,2,6], Color='red', Thick=4, /useAxes