vtkCOLORBAR Procedure

Adds color bar legend to VTK scene using current PV-WAVE color table.




Vertical—If set, the color bar is aligned vertically. Default alignment is horizontal.

Title—The title of the legend. (Default: none)

Position—A three-element array, the position of the lower left corner of the color bar. (Default: [0,0,0])

NumLabels—The number of labels to draw. (Default: 5)

Width—The width of the legend in device coordinates. (Default: 0.8, or 0.15 with /Vertical)

Height—The height of the legend in device coordinates. (Default: 0.15, or 0.9 with /Vertical)

CRange—A two-element vector, the range of colors (Default: [0,255])

LRange—A two-element vector, the label range (Default: CRange)

Sigfig—An integer, the number of significant figures to use for the labels. (Default: 3).

Name—Specifies a name to be used to create this object. If an undefined variable is used or no name is specified, then a random name is used. This name can be used in calls to vtkCOMMAND to modify this object.

NoShadow—If set, labels are drawn without shadows.

Background—A 3-element floating-point array that contains a normalized RGB triplet defining a background color for the color bar. This keyword can only be used when the Vertical keyword is set. The default is no background unless the vtkWINDOW background is white and the color bar has labels or a title, in which case the background defaults to [0.5,0.5,0.5].