VRML_OPEN Procedure

Opens a VRML file and writes out header information consistent with VRML formatting.


VRML_OPEN[, filename]

Input Parameters

filename—(optional) A string specifying the file in which to write the VRML formatting. (Default: 'wave.wrl')


CGI—Writes out http content-type header for a common gateway interface (CGI) script. The format is of the following form:
Content-type: x-world/x-vrml

SceneInfo—Scalar or array of strings of comments about the scene.

StdOut—Directs the output to standard out, rather than to a file.

Title—A scalar string specifying the title of the created VRML world.

Version—A scalar string. If the VRML version is not “1.0 ascii”, then this keywords indicates it: e.g.: Version = '1.1 qf8b'.


The VRML_OPEN procedure opens a .wrl file and writes the required header information to the file. VRML_OPEN must precede all other VRML routines, and the file must be closed using VRML_CLOSE.


VRML_OPEN, 'test_vrml.wrl', Title = 'Test VRML' 

See Also


For a discussion of VRML, see The VRML Sourcebook, by Andrea L. Ames, et al., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996.