Plots a 3D vector field from three arrays.


VECTOR_FIELD3, vx, vy, vz, n_points 

Input Parameters

vx—A 3D array containing the x-component of the vector field, or an n-element vector containing the x-component of the vector field.

vy—A 3D array containing the y-component of the vector field, or an n-element vector containing the y-component of the vector field.

vz—A 3D array containing the z-component of the vector field, or an n-element vector containing the z-component of the vector field.


The arrays vx, vy, and vz must be the same size.

n_pointsIf vx, vy, and vz are all 3D arrays and n_points is a (3, n) array, then n_points is used to specify where the vectors are plotted.

If vx, vy, and vz have the dimensions (i, j, k), then:

n_points(0,*) should range between 0 and i – 1

n_points(1,*) should range between 0 and j – 1

n_points(2,*) should range between 0 and k – 1

If vx, vy, and vz are all 3D arrays and n_points is a single positive value n, then n vectors are plotted with random starting locations.

If vx, vy, and vz are all 3D arrays and n_points is zero or negative, then one vector is plotted for each element in vx.

If vx, vy, and vz are n-element vectors and n_points is a (3, n) array, then the starting locations for each vector are taken from n_points.


Axis_ColorThe color to use when plotting the axis. To suppress the axis, set Axis_Color to –1.

Mark_ColorThe color index to use when plotting the markers.

Mark_SizeThe marker size.

Mark_SymbolA number ranging from 1 to 7 defining the marker symbol to use. The default is 3 (a period). Markers are plotted at the tail of each vector. For a list of symbols, see the description of !Psym in System Variables.

Max_ColorThe highest color index to use when plotting.

Min_ColorThe lowest color index to use when plotting. The color of each vector ranges from Min_Color to Max_Color.

Max_LengthA scalar value for the maximum plotted length of each vector. Each vector ranges from zero to Max_Length.

Thick—The line thickness (in pixels) to use when plotting vectors.

Vec_ColorA 3D array (with the same dimensions as vx) containing the data for the vector colors.

A vector plotted where Vec_Color is at its maximum has the color Max_Color, while a vector plotted at a location where Vec_Color is minimum has the color Min_Color.

If Vec_Color is not supplied, then the color of each vector is determined by its length.


VECTOR_FIELD3 plots a 3D velocity vector field from volumetric or 3D data.


This program displays a 3D vector field using x, y, z data.

PRO vec_demo1
   ; Specify the window size.
   winx = 800
   winy = 600
   ; Specify the number of vectors.
   v_num = 1000
   xvec = FLTARR(v_num)
   yvec = FLTARR(v_num)
   zvec = FLTARR(v_num)
   ; Create the arrays for the vectors and their starting points.
   points = FLTARR(3, v_num)
   ; Create the data for the vectors and their starting points.
   FOR k=0L, 9 DO BEGIN
      FOR j=0L, 9 DO BEGIN
         FOR i=0L, 9 DO BEGIN
            ind = i + (j * 10) + (k * 10 * 10)
            xvec(ind) = COS(!PI * FLOAT(i)/10.0)
            yvec(ind) = SIN(!PI * FLOAT(j)/10.0)
            zvec(ind) = SIN(!PI * FLOAT(k)/10.0)$
              + COS(!PI * FLOAT(i)/10.0)
            points(*, ind) = [i, j, k]
   ; Set up the transformation matrix for the view.
   T3D, /Reset
   T3D, Translate=[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5]
   T3D, Scale=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
   T3D, Rotate=[0.0, 0.0, -30.0]
   T3D, Rotate=[-60.0, 0.0, 0.0]
   T3D, Translate=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
   ; Set up the viewing window and load the color table.
   WINDOW, 0, XSize=winx, YSize=winy, XPos=256, YPos=128, $
      Colors=128, Title='3-D Velocity Vector Field'
   LOADCT, 4
   ; Plot vector field with vector directions defined by xvec,
   ; yvec, and zvec, and the vector starting points defined by
   ; points.
   VECTOR_FIELD3, xvec, yvec, zvec, points, Max_Length=0.5, $
      Min_Color=32, Max_Color=127, Axis_Color=100, $
      Mark_Symbol=3, Mark_Color=127, Mark_Size=0.5, Thick=2

For other examples, see the vec_demo2 and vol_demo1 demonstration programs in:


Where <wavedir> is the main PV‑WAVE directory.

See Also