
Corresponding Plot Keyword: [XYZ]Tickformat

Changes the default format for axis tick labels using FORTRAN-style format specifiers. For example, the following statement changes the default tick label format to floating-point numbers carried to two decimal places.

!X.Tickformat = '(F5.2)'

The specified width of the format is at least five characters; however, this width expands automatically to accommodate larger values.

For more information on format specifiers, see the section Explicitly Formatted Input and Output in Chapter 8 of the PV‑WAVE Programmer’s Guide. See also the section Example 3: Specifying Tick Label Formats in Chapter 4 of the PV‑WAVE User Guide.

Note that only the I (integer), F (floating-point), and E (scientific notation) format specifiers can be used with !X.Tickformat. Also, you cannot place a quoted string inside a tick format. For example, ("<", F5.2, ">") is an invalid !X.Tickformat specification.