
Allows making multiple plots on a page or a screen. It is a five-element integer array defined as follows:

!P.Multi(0) contains the number of plots remaining on the page. If !P.Multi(0) is less than or equal to 0, the page is cleared, the next plot is placed the upper-left-hand corner, and !P.Multi(0) is reset to the number of plots per page.

!P.Multi(1) is number of plot columns per page. If £ 0, one is assumed. If more than two plots are positioned in either the x or y direction, the character size is halved.

!P.Multi(2) is number of rows of plots per page. If £ 0, one is assumed.

!P.Multi(3) is the number of plots stacked in the z dimension.

!P.Multi(4) is 0 to plot from left to right (column major), and top to bottom, and is 1 to plot from top to bottom, left to right (row major).


If more than two rows or columns of plots are produced, PV‑WAVE decreases the character size by a factor of 2.

!P.Multi is overridden if !P.Region and !P. Position are set.


To position two plots across the page:

!P.Multi = [0, 2, 0, 0, 0] 
WINDOW, Xsize=600, Ysize=300
; Draw the left plot
; Draw the right plot

To position two plots vertically:

!P.Multi = [0, 0, 2, 0, 0] 
WINDOW, Xsize=350, Ysize=600
; Draw the top plot
; Draw the bottom plot

To make four plots per page, two across and two up and down:

!P.Multi = [0, 2, 2, 0, 0]

and then call plot four times.

To reset !P.Multi back to the normal one plot per page:

!P.Multi = 0

For more information on !P.Multi, see the PV‑WAVE User Guide.