Data Conversion Routines

BYTE (expr)

Converts an expression to byte data type.

BYTSCL (array)

Scales and converts an array to byte data type.

COMPLEX (real [, imaginary] )

Converts an expression to complex data type.

DCOMPLEX (expr, offset, dim1 [, dim2, ... , dimn ] )

Converts an expression to double-precision complex data type.

DOUBLE (expr)

Converts an expression to double-precision floating-point data type.

FIX (expr)

Converts an expression to integer data type.

FLOAT (expr)

Converts an expression to single-precision floating-point data type.

INT32 (expr)

Converts an expression to longword integer data type.

LONG (expr)

Converts an expression to longword integer data type.

NINT (x)

Converts input to the nearest integer.

SCL(in_array, top, ... keywords)

Emulates BYTSCL function but for all data types.

SCLNONLIN(a, p, b)

Performs general scaling of array values (generalizes SCL).

STRING (expr1, ... , exprn)

Converts the input parameters to characters and returns a string expression.