Data Connection Routines

DC_ERROR_MSG (status)

Returns the text string associated with the negative status code generated by a “DC” data import/export function that does not complete successfully.

DC_OPTIONS (msg_level)

Sets the error message reporting level for all “DC” import/export functions.

DC_READ_8_BIT (filename, imgarr)

Reads an 8-bit image file.

DC_READ_24_BIT (filename, imgarr)

Reads a 24-bit image file.

DC_READ_CONTAINER (filename, var_name)

Reads a single variable from an HP VEE Container file.

DC_READ_DIB(filename, imgarr)

Reads data from a Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) format file into a variable.

DC_READ_FIXED (filename, var_list)

Reads fixed-formatted ASCII data using a PV‑WAVE format that you specify.

DC_READ_FREE (filename, var_list)

Reads freely-formatted ASCII files.

DC_READ_TIFF (filename, imgarr)

Reads a Tag Image File Format (TIFF) file.

DC_SCAN_CONTAINER (filename, num_variables, start_records, end_records)

Scans an HP VEE Container file to determine the number and location of defined variables.

DC_WRITE_8_BIT (filename, imgarr)

Writes 8-bit image data to a file.

DC_WRITE_24_BIT (filename, imgarr)

Writes 24-bit image data to a file.

DC_WRITE_DIB(filename, imgarr)

Writes image data from a variable to a Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) format file.

DC_WRITE_FIXED (filename, var_list, format)

Writes the contents of one or more PV‑WAVE  variables (in ASCII fixed format) to a file using a format that you specify.

DC_WRITE_FREE (filename, var_list)

Writes the contents of one or more PV‑WAVE  variables to a file in ASCII free format.

DC_WRITE_TIFF (filename, imgarr)

Writes image data to a file using the Tag Image File Format (TIFF) format.