XML Routines

SaxInit, event_handler, buffer

Parses an XML document and registers the event handler function for execution.

XmlAddNode(parent_node, new_node)

Adds a node created with XmlNewNode to a node tree.

XmlDocDump, document_id, buffer

Creates an XML document either in memory or in an external file from an XML Document Object Model (DOM).

XmlEvaluate(document_id, [query])

Evaluates an XPATH expression and returns the selected nodes or by default returns all nodes in the XML document.


Frees memory for XML documents in memory (DOM representation).


Frees memory for XML documents in memory (DOM representation).


Creates a new XML document in memory as an XML Document Object Model (DOM). By default the version of XML is set to 1.0.


Creates a new XML Node.


Parses an XML file or an in memory XML document and builds an internal Document Object Model tree which can be used in other XML functions.


Sets an attribute for a node.


Sets content for a node.


Sets the star location or the context of the parsed document.