View Setup Routines


Sets system viewing parameters to display data in the center of the current window (a convenient way to set up a 3D view).

SET_VIEW3D, viewpoint, viewvector, perspective, izoom, viewup, viewcenter, winx, winy, xr, yr, zr

Generates a 3D view, given a view position and a view direction.


Standard Library procedure that accumulates one or more sequences of translation, scaling, rotation, perspective, or oblique transformation and stores the results in the system variable !P.T.

VIEWER, win_num, xsize, ysize, size_fac, xpos, ypos, colors, retain, xdim, ydim, zdim

Lets users interactively define a 3D view, a slicing plane, and multiple cut-away volumes for volume rendering. (Creates a View Control and a View Orientation window in which to make these definitions.)