Table Manipulation Functions

BUILD_TABLE ( ' vari [alias], ..., varn [alias] ' )

Creates a table from one or more vectors (one-dimensional arrays).

GROUP_BY(in_table, ‘sum_column [alias] [ASC | DESC]’)

Performs summary (aggregate) functions to groups of rows in a PV‑WAVE table variable.

ORDER_BY(in_table, ‘col_1 [ASC | DESC] [, col_2 [ASC | DESC]] ... [, col_n [ASC | DESC]]’)

Sorts the rows in a PV‑WAVE table variable to create a new table.

QUERY_TABLE ( table, ' [Distinct] * | coli [alias] [, ..., coln [alias]] [Where cond] [Group By colgi [,... colgn]] | [Order By coloi [direction][,..,colon [direction]]] ' )

Subsets a table created with the BUILD_TABLE function.

UNIQUE (vec)

Returns a vector (one-dimensional array) containing the unique elements from another vector variable.