String Processing Routines


Compresses the white space in an input string.


Determines if a string contains a numerical value.

STRJOIN(expr [, sep]

Concatenates all elements of a string array into a single scalar string.

STRLEN (expr)

Returns the length of the input parameter.


Queries, creates, saves, or modifies a string server database.


Converts a copy of the input string to lowercase letters.

STRMATCH(string, expr [, registers])

Matches a specified string to an existing regular expression.

STRMID (expr, first_character, length)

Extracts a substring from a string expression.

STRPOS (object, search_string [, position] )

Searches for the occurrence of a substring within an object string, and returns its position.

STRPUT, destination, source [, position]

Inserts the contents of one string into another.

STRSPLIT(expr, pattern)

Splits a string into an array of tokens (substrings).

STRSUBST(expr, pattern, repl)

Performs string substitution (search and replace).

STRTRIM (string [, flag] )

Removes extra blank spaces from an input string.

STRUPCASE (string)

Converts a copy of the input string to uppercase letters.