Array Creation Routines

ASARR(key1, value1, ... keyn , valuen)

ASARR(keys_arr, values_list)

Creates an associative array containing specified variables and expressions.

BINDGEN (dim1 [, dim2, ... , dimn] )

Returns a byte array with the specified dimensions, setting the contents of the result to increasing numbers starting at 0.

BYTARR (dim1 [, dim2, ... , dimn] )

Returns a byte vector or array.

CINDGEN (dim1 [, dim2 , ... , dimn] )

Returns a complex single-precision floating-point array.

COMPLEXARR (dim1 [, dim2, ... , dimn] )

Returns a complex single-precision floating-point vector or array.

DBLARR (dim1, ... , dimn)

Returns a double-precision floating-point vector or array.

DCINDGEN(dim1 [, dim2 , ... , dimn])

Returns a double-precision floating-point complex array.

DCOMPLEXARR (dim1 [, dim2, ... , dimn] )

Returns a double-precision floating-point complex vector or array.

DIAG( a )

Makes a diagonal array or extracts the diagonal of an array.

DINDGEN (dim1, ..., dimn)

Returns a double-precision floating-point array with the specified dimensions.

FINDGEN (dim1, ..., dimn)

Returns a single-precision floating-point array with the specified dimensions.

FLTARR (dim1, ..., dimn)

Returns a single-precision floating-point vector or array.

I32ARR (dim1, ... , dimn)

Returns a 32-bit integer vector or array.

I32INDGEN (dim1, ... , dimn)

Returns a 32-bit integer array with the specified dimensions.

INDGEN (dim1, ... , dimn)

Returns an integer array with the specified dimensions.

INTARR (dim1, ... , dimn)

Returns an integer vector or array.

LINDGEN (dim1, ... , dimn)

Returns a longword integer array with the specified dimensions.

LINSPACE (dims, start, incr)

Generates an array of evenly spaced numbers.

LIST(expr1 , ..., exprn)

Creates a list array.


Returns a list.

LONARR (dim1, ..., dimn)

Returns a longword integer vector or array.

MAKE_ARRAY ([dim1, ..., dimn] )

Returns an array of specified type, dimensions, and initialization. It provides the ability to create an array dynamically whose characteristics are not known until run time.

REPLICATE (value, dim1, ..., dimn)

Forms an array with the given dimensions, filled with the specified scalar value.

SINDGEN (dim1, ... , dimn)

Returns a string array with the specified dimensions.

STRARR (dim1, ... , dimn)

Returns a string array.