File Manipulation Routines

CLOSE [, unit1, ... , unitn]

Closes the specified file units.

EOF (unit)

Tests the specified file unit for the end-of-file condition.

FINDFILE (file_specification)

Returns a string array containing the names of all files matching a specified file description.

FLUSH, unit1, ..., unitn

Causes all buffered output on the specified file units to be written.

FREE_LUN, unit1, ..., unitn

Deallocates file units previously allocated with GET_LUN.

FSTAT (unit)

Returns an expression containing status information about a specified file unit.

LFSTAT (unit)

Returns an expression containing status information about a specified file unit. Used for large files (>2.5 gigabytes).

GET_LUN, unit

Allocates a file unit from a pool of free units.

LFPOINT_LUN, unit, position

Allows the current position of the specified file to be set to any arbitrary point in the file. This routine is for large files (>2.5 gigabytes on supported platforms only).

OPENR, unit, filename [, record_length]

OPENR (OPEN Read) opens an existing file for input only.

OPENU, unit, filename [, record_length]

OPENU (OPEN Update) opens an existing file for input and output.


Opens a file on the internet to be accessed using PV‑WAVE. 1

OPENW, unit, filename [, record_length]

OPENW (OPEN Write) opens a new file for input and output.


Extracts specified parts of a full file pathname.

POINT_LUN, unit, position

Allows the current position of the specified file to be set to any arbitrary point in the file.