SLICE_VOL Function

Returns a 2D array containing a slice from a 3D volumetric array.


result = SLICE_VOL(volume, dim, cut_plane)

Input Parameters

volumeThe 3D volume of data to slice.


For better results, first use VOL_PAD to preprocess the volume.

dimThe x and y dimensions of the slice to return. Larger values for dim increase the slice resolution and execution time. dim is typically the largest of the three dimensions of volume.

cut_planeA (3, 2) array defining the slicing plane. The elements in this (3, 2) array are interpreted as follows:

cut_plane(0, 0)—The plane’s angle of rotation about the x-axis.

cut_plane(1, 0)—The plane’s angle of rotation about the y-axis.

cut_plane(2, 0)—Ignored.

cut_plane(0, 1)—The x-coordinate of the center of the plane.

cut_plane(1, 1)—The y-coordinate of the center of the plane.

cut_plane(2, 1)—The z-coordinate of the center of the plane.


The slicing plane is rotated first about the y-axis, and then about the x-axis.

Returned Value

resultA 2D array containing a slice from a 3D volumetric array.


DegreesIf present and nonzero, cut_plane(0:1,0) is assumed to be in degrees.


SLICE_VOL extracts a planar oblique slice from a volumetric (3D) array. The slicing plane is defined by the center point (X, Y, and Z), and the rotations about the y- and x-axes. You can interactively define the slicing plane by calling the VIEWER procedure.

For best results, process volumes with VOL_PAD before slicing them with SLICE_VOL.


For demonstrations of the SLICE_VOL procedure, use the Medical Imaging and CFD/Aerospace buttons on the PV‑WAVE Demonstration Gallery.

To run the Gallery, enter wave_gallery at the WAVE> prompt.

See Also