RANDOMN Function

Returns one or more normally distributed floating-point pseudo-random numbers with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1.


result = RANDOMN(seed[, dim1, ... , dimn])

Input Parameters

seed—A named variable containing the seed value for random number generation. The initial value of seed should be set to different values in order to obtain different random sequences. seed is updated by RANDOMN once for each random number generated. If seed is undefined, it is derived from the current system time.

dimi—(optional) The dimensions of the result. May be any scalar expression. Up to eight dimensions may be specified.

Returned Value

result—A single scalar or an array of the specified dimensions. Contains normally distributed floating-point pseudo-random numbers with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1. The floating-point numbers are in the range of –6.0 < x < 6.0.



See Also