POLY_SURF Procedure

Generates a 3D vertex list and a polygon list, given a 2D array containing z values.


POLY_SURF, surf_dat, vertex_list, polygon_list, pg_num 

Input Parameters

surf_dat — A 2D array containing z values. The 3D polygon vertices are generated from this data.

Output Parameters

vertex_list — A (3, n) array containing the 3D coordinates of the polygon vertices.

polygon_list — A 1D array containing the number of sides for each polygon, as well as the subscripts into the vertex_list array for the vertices of each polygon.

pg_num — The total number of polygons defined by vertex_list and polygon_list. This parameter can be used as input into POLY_PLOT.




POLY_SURF generates a list of polygons from a 2D array that contains Z values. All the polygons generated have four sides (and four vertices).

The vertex_list array returned is suitable for input into the POLY_TRANS, POLY_NORM, POLY_DEV, POLY_PLOT and POLYSHADE procedures.

The polygon_list array returned is suitable for input into the POLY_PLOT and POLYSHADE procedure. For more information, see the PV‑WAVE User Guide.


See the POLY_DEV Function Example section.

See Also