PMF Procedure

Performs formatted output of matrices to a specified file unit.


PMF, unit, expr1, ..., exprn 

Input Parameters

unit — File unit to which the output is sent.

expri — Expression to be output.


Format — If not specified, PV-WAVE uses its default rules for formatting the output. Keyword Format allows the format to be specified in precise detail, using FORTRAN-style specifications.

Title — Specifies a character string to be used as the title of the output matrix. Only one title is printed, regardless of the number of expressions sent to PMF.


Procedure PMF formats output to a specified file unit of matrices stored in the PV-WAVE linear algebra matrix-storage mode. This procedure is designed to be used when working with matrices read by the procedures RM or RMF or other matrices using the PV-WAVE matrix-storage scheme.

Using keywords, the form of the output matrix can be customized. Keyword Title can be used to specify a character string to be used as a title. Keyword Format is provided to allow for explicitly formatted output.


This example reads a 2-by-3 matrix using the matrix-reading procedure RM and prints the results to standard output, (unit = –1), using the matrix-printing procedure PMF.

; Read matrix.
RM, a, 2, 3
; PV-WAVE prints:
;  row 0:
; Enter the following three numbers:
;  11 22 33
; PV-WAVE prints:
;  row 1:
; Enter the following three numbers:
;  40 50 60
; Output the matrix to standard output.
PMF, -1, a
; PV-WAVE prints:
; 11.0000      22.0000      33.0000
; 40.0000      50.0000      60.0000

See Also


See the PV‑WAVE Programmer’s Guide for more information.