Starts the Navigator.




ConfigFile—A string containing the name of a previously saved Navigator configuration file. You can specify a filename or complete path name. If you only specify a filename, the file must be in the current working directory.

Horizontal—If this keyword is specified, the VDA Tool icons are arranged horizontally in the Navigator window.

Highres—Reconfigures the Navigator button bar to display one row of buttons. This option is only suitable for larger monitors. By default, the Navigator starts with two rows of buttons.

Lowres—This keyword has been depracated. It has no effect.

Position—Specifies in pixels, the x and y (horizontal and vertical, respectively) coordinates for the starting location of the upper-left corner of the Navigator window.

Template—A string containing the name of a template file.

Vertical—If this keyword is specified, the VDA Tool icons are arranged vertically in the Navigator window.


By default, the Navigator displays with two rows of icons. If you wish to display a long, narrow Navigator with one row of icons, use Highres.

The Navigator combines multiple VDA Tools into a single application. The Navigator provides tools for:

importing and exporting data

displaying 2D plots, images, histograms, surfaces, and contour plots

animating data

viewing and subsetting tables of data

saving and restoring sessions

viewing and selecting variables

Template files are saved with the Navigator Save Template As command on the File menu. A template contains information that allows you to restore a Navigator with the customized defaults that were set when the template file was saved.

Configuration files are saved with the Navigator Save Configuration command on the File menu.

Note: For information on how to use the Navigator, use online Help. Select the On Window command from the Navigator Help menu to bring up Help on the Navigator.

See Also

See the PV-WAVE Tutorial for a lesson on using the Navigator.