Loads a predefined custom color table.


    LOADCT_CUSTOM[, table_number]

Input Parameters

table_number—(optional) An integer number representing the index of the color table to load, from 0 to 31. If omitted, a menu of the available color tables is displayed, and you are prompted to enter a color table number.


Silent—If present and non-zero, suppresses the colortable message.


LOADCT_CUSTOM loads the selected custom color table by reading the custom color table file located in your home (login) directory. This file is called .wg_colors or wg_colors. The procedure WgCeditTool can be used to create this custom color table file.

The custom color table file has a similar structure to the system color table file colors.tbl. The custom file can contain up to 32 (0 – 31) color tables.

The title of each table is contained in the first 32-by-32 character bytes. The colors loaded into the display are saved in the common block COLORS. If the current device has fewer than 256 colors, the color table data are interpolated to cover the number of colors in the device.

See Also