Reorder Keyword

Used With Routines: CONTOURFS

Corresponding System Variable: None.

If keywords Reorder, Path_Filename and Spline are all set, splined, filled contour paths are drawn in the same order as non-splined, filled contour paths. Although this method requires additional processing time, it is recommended if the Spline keyword is used for a filled contour plot.


; Create filled contour plot of a 10 by 10 array of random numbers.


data = RANDOMU(seed, 10,10)

; To use the reordering method, call CONTOURFS using the $

; Spline, Path_Filename, and Reorder keywords:

CONTOURFS, data, Path_file='path.dat', /XStyle, /YStyle, $

NLevels=5, Col_Index=WoColorConvert([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]), $

/Spline, /Reorder