HTML_OPEN Procedure

Opens the output HTML file, writes out the basic HTML information and sets an HTML output file information variable.


    HTML_OPEN[, filename]

Input Parameters

filename—(optional) The output HTML file name. (Default on UNIX: wave.html) (Default on Windows: wave.htm)


Note: Some of the attributes that you can specify with these keywords are not used by certain browsers.

ALinkColor—Defines the color of active links. An active link is a selected link which is being processed.

BgColor—A string or long integer specifying the background color name or number (24-bit color). Examples of this keyword usage are:

  • BgColor = 'red'

  • BgColor = '#ff0000'

  • BgColor = 'ff0000'XL

  • BgColor = 16711680

BgImage—Accepts a URL string to an image for the background.

CGI—Writes a “Content-type” header—useful if you are outputting from a CGI script.

LinkColor—Defines the text color of new links. A new link is one which hasn’t been previously selected.

Stdout—If set, writes to standard output instead of to a file.

Title—A string scalar specifying the HTML <TITLE>.

TextColor—Defines the text color.

VLinkColor—Defines the color of visited links.


The HTML_OPEN procedure provides the basic formatting information required at the beginning of every HTML file. Optional format features such as background, foreground, and text colors can be added by using the keywords.

A file opened using the HTML_OPEN procedure must always be closed with an HTML_CLOSE procedure call at the end. This closes many of the initial HTML formatting elements opened when the file was initiated.

See Also


For a complete discussion of HTML, see HTML Sourcebook, Second Edition, by Ian S. Graham, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996, New York.