HELP Procedure

Starts the online help system or the online documentation system.


    HELP[, topic]


topic—(optional) A string containing the name of a PV‑WAVE command.


Contents—If present and nonzero, displays Contents topic of the help file.

Filename—Specifies a string containing the name of a help file to load, if other than the default help file. See the Discussion section for information on the default help file.

Help—If present and nonzero, displays the topic How to Use Help in the help viewer.

Index—If present and nonzero, displays the Contents topic of the help file (same as the Contents keyword).

Keyword—Specifies a string containing the name of a help keyword. The first help topic matching the keyword is displayed.

PartialKey—Specifies a string containing a partial keyword. The first help topic containing the partial keyword is displayed.

Quit—Exits the online help viewer.


The PV‑WAVE online help system is powered by Quadralay’s WebWorks Help, which is HTML-based help that requires an internet browser to view. Use the HELP command to start the help viewer and display a topic.

The HELP procedure checks to see if the help is already running. If it is running, the specified topic is displayed in the browser. If it is not running, the browser is started and the topic is displayed.


The following commands entered at the WAVE> prompt demonstrate some of the features of the HELP command.

; Opens the Online Help page for the REBIN command
; in your default browser.
; Loads the help file PV-WAVE IMSL Mathematics Reference and
; displays the Online Help page for the INV Function.
HELP, Filename='math', 'INV'

See Also